How to Cleanse Your Face: Tips & Mistakes

Face cleansing is a daily ritual that many of us take on daily, weekly, or monthly. Whether you do this to keep your skin clean, get rid of acne or blackheads, or just hunt for something new, it’s important to know the common mistakes people make when cleansing their faces. Using a face mask can be the best way to attain a healthy glow, but it’s no secret that some popular facial mask ingredients aren’t exactly skin-friendly. Some masks are made with ingredients that could be harmful to your skin. If you’re tired of your skin looking dull and tired, it’s possible to naturally exfoliate it. Masks, however, are not the answer. The ingredients used in masks can be too harsh for the sensitive skin on your face.

Using the Wrong Facial Cleanser

When it comes to skincare, we commonly hear about the importance of using a cleanser, perhaps followed by a toner. While both are essential to keeping your skin healthy, many people don’t realise that picking a skin cleanser is just as important. Picking the wrong one or not getting the one you need can wreak havoc on your skin, resulting in dry, flaky, irritated skin.

Washing Your Face Too Often

Washing your face too often can lead to acne and rosacea. Washing your face too much can make your skin produce more oil, which leads to clogged pores. Wash your face only once a day—more if you need it, less if you’re concerned about its drying out—and use a moisturiser afterwards. Washing your face every day may seem to be a good habit, but you could end up causing more harm than good. Your face is covered in oil and dirt throughout the day, and washing it too often can actually dry your skin out and make you more susceptible to acne.

You Over-Exfoliate

Learn the basic anatomy of the face. The skin of a face is divided into two basic parts: the epidermis and dermis. The epidermis is where the main function of the skin takes place: protection from the environment and as a barrier to infection. The dermis is the layer below and is composed of fat, collagen, and blood vessels. The dermis is the inner layer of the skin and is responsible for providing structure and strength to the skin.

You are Applying Cleanser Incorrectly

When it comes to skincare, cleansing should be the second task you do after washing your face. Cleansing helps remove all traces of your makeup, dirt, and oil. And it prevents bacteria growth that can lead to breakouts. But, there’s a new trend out there that many beauty experts are calling a “complete disaster.” It is called double cleansing, and it involves applying cleanser to your face twice. Experts are warning this practice may damage your skin and may lead to more breakouts.

You are Rubbing Your Face Dry

You probably think that if you hadn’t left your house for 20 minutes, your skin wouldn’t have become this dry. But believe it or not, dry rubbing your face is one of the quickest ways to cause your skin to dry out, and it happens without you even realising it. Here is why. When your skin is damp, it’s much more sensitive to damage than when it is dry. Dry rubbing your face removes any oils and moisture from your skin, leaving it brittle and vulnerable to premature ageing.

You are using Washcloths

Washing your hands has become a daily ritual for many Americans, and as convenient as it may be, we often forget that the way we wash our hands can make or break our health. Toothpaste is a germ-zapper, but soap does more for our bodies. The act of lathering up leaves a thin film of soap on our skin. That film promotes healthy skin and kills bacteria.